Generally, online credit card transactions are first reserved ("pre-authorized") and you will only be charged in a second stage (once your booking gets confirmed by the activity provider).
Although this pre-authorization mechanism is a long-time established European payment standard, some bank systems are not handling this correctly. In such cases, the reservation on the credit card isn't released right away and when the actual charge is carried out, it can appear that we, MGP*CheckYeti GmbH, have charged your account twice. Rest assured that we did not.
But there's also positive news: Even if the reservation is not released immediately in your bank's system, it will be automatically resolved within 10 working days in all cases.
We are very sorry for this inconvenience, but the incorrect handling of pre-authorizations by certain banks is outside the control of us and the service provider we're using to process online payments. There is nothing we can do about this. To avoid this inconvenience, we recommend that you use credit cards or PayPal for your bookings.
If the problem should still persist after 10 working days (that means weekends and public holidays excluded), we recommend that you contact your bank directly.
*NOTE: If you paid with a debit card (not credit), some banks could show this preauthorization as a charge together with the actual and right charge for the booking amount. Since both transactions correspond to the same operation, the systems automatically will generate a refund for the first amount, which reimbursement will take place in the following 10 business days.